Donna L Cook
Maury County Tennessee County Commissioner
As a Maury County Tennessee County Commissioner it's my pleasure to fully endorse Mr. Scott Cepicky as the Republican Candidate for the Office of the State of Tennessee District 64 House of Representatives.
Mr. Cepicky acquired a great deal of experience dealing with Local, County and State Legislation when he served as a Maury County Commissioner, and in his current position, serving his second term, as the Chairman of the Maury County Republican Party. In these two extremely important positions, Mr. Cepicky gained respect from the Public as well as many Lawmakers, and Government Officials.
Mr. Cepicky, and his Family are long time residents of Maury County Tennessee, and are both very well liked, and respected in our community, where they've served long hours within Maury County Government, the Maury County Republican Party, Local Schools, Boys and Girls Club, and for their Church. I most admire Mr. Cepicky for his selfless work after witnessing him support Lower Taxes, Reduced Regulations, Better Public Schools, and supporting Business, and Job Creation.
With proud enthusiasm, I support Mr. Scott Cepicky as the Republican Party's Candidate for the Office of the State of Tennessee District 64 House of Representatives.
Maury County Tennessee County Commissioner Donna L. Cook

Norman Bobo
I’ve known Scott Cepicky for a couple of years now. He’s done — and continues to do — a wonderful job as the Maury County Republican Chair. He’s growing the party. He’s engaging candidates to run for Office. He is also doing a great job conducting a County Convention — which will help ensure Republicans are the only ones voting for Republicans and that Republicans are elected to all County seats.
But I mostly like his constitutional conservative stances on a host of issues.
It helps that he is also endorsed by Sheila K. Butt, one of my all-time favorite lawmakers in Nashville!

Amy Wurth
Alderman, Ward 1
Beyond a doubt, Scott Cepicky is the most qualified person to hold the 64th District seat in the State of Representatives for Maury County Citizens! Scott has demonstrated time and time again his steadfast conservative leadership as a Maury County Commissioner and as the Chairman of the Maury County Republican Party. I value Scotts management approach in creating unity and conservative governing with a strong commitment to protecting our financial foundation for Maury County's future needs.
We need Scott Cepicky representing our voices at the state level!
Amy Wurth
Alderman, Ward 1
Spring Hill, TN

Bruce Hull
Alderman, Ward 4, Vice Mayor
I have known Scott for about 7 years now. I have always found him to be a principled man of integrity. As Maury county continues to grow, we will need strong state leadership that represents all Maury countians. Scott has the vision that we need, and the ability to build and maintain relationships, in order to keep our district a high priority at the state. Please join me in supporting Scott for District 64 State Representative.
Bruce Hull
Alderman, Ward 4
Vice Mayor
City of Spring Hill

William Roddy
Maury County Tennessee County Commissioner
I could not and would not try and tell you in the 64th District how to vote in the State Representative election for fear of getting my butt kicked but I would like to share my opinion of what I believe you will get if you vote for Scott Cepicky. I had the privilege of working with him on the Maury County Commission where he worked as Chairman of the Commission and guided the Budget Committee through some trying times which, with his directions, we overcame and made Maury County a better place to live.
I will vote for Scott Cepicky and hope you will too and I don't believe we will go wrong.